Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The letter "A"

I think that our first day of preschool was a success! I feel bad I forgot to take pictures of it all, but it was really fun! I know Auri had a great time so I hope that your kids did too. Here are some things that we did.

*Learned the letter A and what sound it makes (we only did the short "a" sound, like "a"pple)
*Picked apples off the apple tree and then put them back according to color.
*Talked about words that start with "A'', and introduced "Auri" and "Addison"
*Colored our letter A in our alphabet books.
*Ate a snack- apples and apricots....and raisins and nilla wafers.
*Played toss the beanbag in the alligator.

***I forgot to play the ants go marching but I think that it would be a good thing to play at home with your own child and talk about ants and A.

Sorry about the caramel apples, I hope no one choked or lost a filling. Eat with caution. My bad. Next week will be at Michelle's house learning the letter T for Thanksgiving! It should be super fun! Yay for preschool! Thanks for coming!


Michelle said...

way fun! Thanks for all the work you have done! Dylan talked about the letter A all day and it's sound, I was in mama heaven. :)

Anonymous said...

The apple was great, a little chewy but worthy the extra jaw effort! so yummy! thanks, Addison had a blast!